We offer the following Learnerships, as a lead provider, in Plastics Manufacturing:
- Full National Certificate in Plastics Manufacturing NQF Level 2 (NLRD 49450)
- Part National Certificate in Plastics Manufacturing NQF Level 3 (NLRD 49449)
- Part National Certificate in Plastics Manufacturing NQF Level 4 (NLRD 49451)
- Part National Certificate in Plastics Manufacturing NQF Level 5 (NLRD 49448)
We are MerSETA accredited to offer the above learnerships, entirely, or can be appointed as a lead provider in partnership with other specialized accredited training providers to fulfill the requirements of the learnerships.
As attaining full qualifications through a Learnership is a complex and intense process, it is highly recommended that you contact us for a discussion and a full proposal that meets the MerSETA requirements and your company’s specific needs.
Full details of these qualifications are available on www.saqa.org.za, by entering the relevant NLRD number.